Friday, February 22, 2019

Artist Research 2

I explored several artists for this assignment, but the artist I chose and researched in more depth was Camille Utterback, because her art really fascinated me in many ways. Utterback is an extremely successful American digital and installation artist, who works primarily with interactive exhibits/art. She earned her Masters degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU, and currently teaches art and Graduate Design at Stanford University. Her work creatively incorporates visually aesthetic animations with motion sensors to take interactive art to a new level. I really like her because she uses different forms of interactivity to her works, such as Kinect-like motion sensors to track one's body movements, and a touchscreen kiosk that the viewer can directly touch and interact with to alter the projection or make things appear or disappear. This shows that she doesn't just stick with one certain style for all of her works; which, although is still truly incredible art, may get old or boring after a while. Her use of variety in interactivity makes all her work different and fresh. 
I am a huge fan of interactive art, not only because of the incredible capabilities it may have to offer, the complexity the artist went through to make it possible, and the utter beauty of it. But I love installation art because I believe that the best art is art that gets the audience involved. Most art galleries you just walk through and admire the works, but the interactive element gets the audience way more involved, creating a more fun, thought-provoking, and memorable experience. Camille Utterback is truly excellent as she achieves all of these goals in her work and continues to create amazing groundbreaking works throughout her long career.

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