Thursday, May 2, 2019

Project 4: Process Post #3

Once I had all the parts of the installation set up, the most important step began. This step was the planning/experimenting to find the perfect or most efficient spot to place the projector. The placement of the projector is so important for this kind of installation, for several reasons. First, because the space is so narrow and small, the viewer walking through it can easily block most of the projections with their shadow. Through lots of planning, moving and checking, I found that the higher up the projector, (above the participant's height) the better it will be, as their head/body is not protruding or blocking the light of the projector. However, when I put it up so high, it only projected on the upper half of my installation space, so I used some extra materials that I had to support the back of the projector to cover the right space. This process made me realize how art and an artist's final product is not just the main/only exhibit of art, but the whole process and planning that goes into an art piece is also a very significant component to the art, the artist, the information, and overall quality.

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